Dyetology inspirational women
It's that time again!
If you're new in town, we here at Dyetology love to see women supporting women!
Welcome to our Inspirational Women Spotlight!
If you haven't checked out our previous posts about amazing and inspiring
ladies, click here! But for now, here are 5 more mamas that motivate me!
Natalie Norton
Natalie makes me want to LIVE. You'll know what I mean when you check out her amazing YouTube channel, The Ruckus List, where she has captured beautiful family moments and recounted unimaginable heartaches. Her motto is simple: "Ruckus list is the new bucket list -- it's not about what you do, it's about who you become and who you help in the process of living a life of intent." Natalie and her family LIVE positively, graciously,wonderfully- and I love it! Check her out.
Ashley Lemieux
Ashley is the founder of an extraordinary nonprofit, The Shine Project, which raises money to send inner-city youth to college. Since its founding in 2011, over 40 students have received scholarships- but she didn't stop there. Ashley "knew she needed to take her passion for these youth one step further and create a for profit business that could employ them, so they could learn important business and life skills, be able to sustain themselves, and have guidance throughout their college experience", and thus Threads by The Shine Project was born. You can shop all of the pieces made by the students here! You're killin it, Ashley!
Female Foodie
Brooke has done what I'm sure we have all dreamed of doing from time to time- turn our passion for food into a job! Not only can she name the Top 15 Burgers in Salt Lake City on her blog, Female Foodie, Brooke has also helped dozens of other young women get started in the blogging business through Female Foodie Elite, "an online community powered by women who love good food". We love good food and everything you're doing, Brooke!
Nikki McCarthy

Everyone meet Nikki! At the age of 11, Nikki's daughter Sam passed away due to Fanconi anemia, a disorder that leads to bone marrow failure. To honor Sam's legacy, Nikki and her husband created Sam's Fans, a non-profit organization that "dedicated to the promotion of Music and Art Therapy for children and their families facing life-threatening illnesses". Art and music are such powerful tools for healing, and we love the amazing mission behind Nikki's work! You go girl!

Alisha Jayne

Alisha Jayne of Faebella

This young lady is the founder of Faebella, a luxury active wear brand based out of Australia. Inspired by her Indigenous ancestry, Alisha's designs feature "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art designs". These gorgeous pieces showcase Alisha's culture in a unique (not to mention trendy) way, and we can't wait to see what other unconventional designs she comes up with!

Tell us about an awesome woman who inspires you in the comments below!

With Love,


P.S. - Still have holiday shopping to do? Check out our holiday gift guides here and our awesome gift bundles here.


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